Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Do I Blog?

I've been in the bookselling business off and on for over 10 years. One of the reasons I enjoy it is that I like to know a little bit about a lot of things and in this business I get to see books on just about every subject. I rarely finish a book but I read enough to find out about a particular subject to satisfy my curiosity.

So this blog is a place for me and my staff to talk about things they've learned from books. I'd also like to read what you are curious about and interesting books you've read. Let's make this a discussion about what we're curious about.

The gadgets on the sidebar are for your time wasting pleasure. If you have suggestions of other playful fun things let me know.

I'll also mention upcoming events here at the store, thoughts about bookselling and the business of bookselling.

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